Archive for the ‘Freedom’ category

Family Lost

May 26th, 2010

I have an uncle who teaches Eastern Philosophy.  He taught me how to meditate. He tried to teach me that equality with God is something to be grasped.  But that’s not fair.  What he really meant was that when we are fully realized, we come into the knowledge that we are one with God, and […]

It’s not all you have.

March 8th, 2010

This morning, I was asking God to complete the healing of a couple I prayed for in church yesterday. As I was praying, I was examining my motives, and asked God for a mantle of humility to be on me, and that he would give me the tools (annointing for and gifts of healing, prophesy, […]

The good life.

October 11th, 2009

Feeling really blessed of late.  It’s been a while since I posted, because I have been very busy working.  Work that is a blessing from God, after He told me to go to Ukraine for a missions trip, and blessing that followed obedience. When the opportunity arose, I saw it as not possible.  Money.  It […]

Do you get it yet?

May 9th, 2009

AGAIN!  I had most of a week with almost no business.  Got stressed out, questioning, begging, whining.  Hearing God say “I will hold you.  Just relax.”  Started Friday on my kayak, just after sunrise, just being me.  Loved it.  As soon as I was done, the phone started ringing.  Got enough work Friday and Saturday […]

Status Update

March 1st, 2009

Wow.  The journey continues, and it’s getting exciting. “A few months back, I prayed that I would someday be able to walk in freedom, above and throughout all of life’s systems….  “ Physically:  The Lord has led me to many different natural or non-prescription substances over the years.  The term SEASONS still applies here, because […]

Freedom out of fashion.

November 30th, 2008

A few months back, I prayed that I would someday be able to walk in freedom, above and throughout all of life’s systems….  kind of like Neo, once he realized that he knew the code and was no longer bound by it. Little did I know that freedom is not in fashion.  The freedom to […]


September 21st, 2008

I’ve always been big on boundaries. Boundaries are the set of rules which determine whom and which things will be allowed to affect you.  Boundaries require conviction, discretion, and tact, as they are most often applied to situations where people ask you to do or be a part of something that is ultimately going to have […]

08 Election

September 12th, 2008

I just can’t believe what I’m hearing and seeing. The balance of power:  We have spent decades enabling the weak and rewarding non-performers; the current mortgage bail-out is a classic example of how our society is hell-bent on re-distributing money and power from the haves (who have earned it) to the have-nots, who will make […]

Ultimate Freedom

July 19th, 2008

(answer at bottom) John 1:1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He created us, and He alone has the power to define us. Ultimate freedom is total submission to our creator. Submission means that we willingly, actively give up choice and take our orders […]


July 12th, 2008

Why does [a good] God let bad things happen? Why wouldn’t he? God is Love (meaning that it is one of his strongest characteristics.) There can be no true love without free choice.  God could take away all options for sin, remove the disease, the death, the torture, the abuse, and the hatred, because be […]