
March 9th, 2010

I was out with two friends last night, who like me, find it fascinating that you can catch spirits on camera. There were plenty of orbs that folks could argue were dust, dew, or whatever their left-brain comes up with. This one baked my noodle.  Upon viewing the photo, we all had to assume that […]

It’s not all you have.

March 8th, 2010

This morning, I was asking God to complete the healing of a couple I prayed for in church yesterday. As I was praying, I was examining my motives, and asked God for a mantle of humility to be on me, and that he would give me the tools (annointing for and gifts of healing, prophesy, […]


March 2nd, 2010

Strange.  I am more full of passion and joy now, after a night of fellowship and  ministry in my home, than I have been in a long time. Circumstantially: 1. My wife and kids are out of town (I hate that.) 2. I have had no work at all for the last two days, and […]